
Seated Forward Fold – Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

Seated Forward Fold – Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana

Seated Forward Fold - Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana Learn how to do the seated forward fold (Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana) with a half-bound lotus. Stretch your hamstrings, open your hips, and release tension from your lower back. This pose is from the ashtanga vinyasa primary series, it's a challenging forward fold that includes a half [...]
Advanced Yoga Asanas: Mukta Hasta Sirsasana C

Advanced Yoga Asanas: Mukta Hasta Sirsasana C

Free Hand Headstand Mukta hasta sirsasana is an advanced free hand headstand from the second series of Ashtanga yoga. Do not do this unless you have a good, regular headstand in your asana practice. If you are new to headstand practice, start here. Remember that mastering a headstand takes time and you shouldn't be rushing into [...]
Yoga 2020 – Asanas: a Modern Phenomenon?

Yoga 2020 – Asanas: a Modern Phenomenon?

Are Asanas A Recent Creation? This is the final part of our series 'Yoga in 2020'. We are going to look at the 3rd limb of Pantanjali’s 8 limbs of Ashtanga, Asana. Here you can read Part 1 and Part 2, if you haven’t yet.   Asana in the Sutras and Bhagavad Gita The literal [...]
49 Minute Yoga Ninja Practice

49 Minute Yoga Ninja Practice

Become A Ninja Yogi This 49 minute yoga ninja class is a powerful Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice. With this practice, you will build a strong yoga ninja body and a steady Zen mind. This is a fairly advanced practice with some challenging poses and arm balancing poses, and will help you become strong and flexible [...]
How to do Jump Throughs – This Works!

How to do Jump Throughs – This Works!

Jumping through in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Tradition   This video explains jump throughs to transition from Adho Mukha Svanasa (Downward-facing dog pose) to Dandasana (Staff pose). It's commonly referred to as a "jump through to sit". The jump through can serve as a great way to build strength, mobility and focus. This means your practice [...]
3 Yoga Poses for Working on a Computer

3 Yoga Poses for Working on a Computer

The Damage Working at a Computer can Do  Working on a computer for long hours causes issues with the body.  A healthy work-life balance includes a practice to undo the damage from computer work. Computer work includes sitting in a chair or working at a standing desk. These issues afflict the body, causing imbalances, tightness, [...]
Padmasana – The Lotus Pose

Padmasana – The Lotus Pose

Introduction to Lotus Pose Padmasana, or lotus pose, is a very famous asana indeed. Buddha, yogis, and yes, even instagramers are often depicted in this position. For many yogis, this pose is one of their biggest goals. The key to the pose is opening up the hips, and making sure not to cause any pain [...]
Loving Your Spine and Hips in Delicious Pose

Loving Your Spine and Hips in Delicious Pose

Delicious Pose This is one of the Doron's all time favorites! It's rare that we start a class at DYZC without warming up with some deliciousness. Learn about this perfect warm-up for your hips and spine. It's a variation of cat/cow pose, but more efficient for an all around safe warm up.    The perfect [...]