
Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Learn how to practice Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salute B) Surya Namaskar is one of the fundamental sequences in yoga asana practice. In the video below, you'll see detailed instruction of the poses as well as a flow practice with Doron and Vanessa. In addition, you'll learn the Sanskrit count of Surya Namaskar B, its [...]
How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

Vatayanasana - Ashtanga Intermediate Series Vatayanasana, is a pose/ asana from the intermediate ashtanga series. The name of this pose translates into English as "horse pose". This pose is a unique kind of a balancing pose, and will help to open the shoulders and hips. Please be careful practicing horse pose if you have any [...]
How to do Parsvottonasana – The Pyramid Pose

How to do Parsvottonasana – The Pyramid Pose

Building the Pyramid Parsvottanasana, or Pyramid Pose, has many benefits.  In addition to focus and balance, it can help stretch the hamstrings, shoulders, wrists and calfs. It's also a great preparation for revolved triangle. Richard Freeman calls it the "king of poses". It is part of the ashtanga standing poses, and is practiced in every [...]
How to practice with a shoulder injury?

How to practice with a shoulder injury?

Class for Shoulder Injury During life we may get injured but it doesn’t mean that we have to skip our yoga practice. Let’s find out how it is possible to maintain a steady and well-balanced yoga asana practice for people with a shoulder injury.   Most importantly: DON’T PUT ANY WEIGHT ON YOUR SHOULDERS.   [...]
Yoga for Head and Neck Release

Yoga for Head and Neck Release

Head and Neck Release Yoga Sequence This class is perfect for head and neck therapy and release of pain, tension and stress. This is a great practice for all levels - less than 20 minutes of fun with demonstrations and detailed instructions. These type of stretches are very essential for today's hectic rhythm of life. [...]
Hands-on Savasana Assists – Share the Love!

Hands-on Savasana Assists – Share the Love!

Savasana Hands-On Assists Learn how to give hands-on assists in Savasana, and how to touch in Savasana or Corpse Pose so that your student can really relax into the full pose. From feet to head and neck, the right touch can take the student to a deeper experience. Always be gentle! Share the Love!   [...]
Most Effective Shoulder Opening Yoga Poses

Most Effective Shoulder Opening Yoga Poses

The Best Shoulder Openers Tight shoulders? Learn the most effective shoulder opening yoga poses for all level students. These are useful for everyone and can be practiced by any one. There are a few levels of intensity you can choose from. These poses are great for anyone that sits in front of a desk, drives [...]