
How to Do Kapalbhati – Breath of Fire

How to Do Kapalbhati – Breath of Fire

How to Do Kapalbhati - Breath of Fire In this video Doron demonstretes How to do Kapalbhati pranayama. Kapalabhati, or breath of fire (literally translates as skull shining), is a powerful pranayama that helps heat the body. It moves and massages the digestive system and moves the energy in the body. Active exhale helps to [...]
How To Do Pasasana – Video Tutorial

How To Do Pasasana – Video Tutorial

How to Do Pasasana Pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa Pasasana, the noose pose is the first pose of the ashtanga vinyasa intermediate (second) series. Pasasana is a deep twist and the first pose from Ashtanga second series. Most likely it takes some balancing until you finally get the heels on the ground. But remember that you can always [...]
Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment // OM ASATOMA SATGAMAYA TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA MRITHYORMA AMRITAMGAMAYA OM SHANTI,, SHANTI, SHANTI Lead us from ignorance to truth From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let peace prevail everywhere   Find more information on chants here, and for more reading on yogic techniques check out the Doron Yoga Manual.
Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant This is the classic way to end the ashtanga practice as taught by Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India. After the practice is done, and before savasana, chants this astanga closing chant quietly to yourself this chant, or even out loud. Practice chanting the ashtanga closing chant over and over here with this [...]
Ashtanga Invocation Chant

Ashtanga Invocation Chant

Ashtanga Invocation Chant Here's an audio recording with Sanskrit and English transcriptions of the Ashtanga Invocation Chant, used to open an Ashtanga class.   // OM VANDE GURUNAM CARANARAVINDE SANDARSITA SVATMA SUKHAVA BODHE NIH SREYASE JANGALIKAYAMANE SAMSARA HALAHALA MOHASANTYAI ABAHU PURUSAKARAM SANKHACAKRASI DHARINAM SAHASRA SIRASAM SVETAM PRANAMAMI PATANJALIM OM Roughly translated into English as: I bow [...]