Guided Object Meditation: Mindfulness into No Mind

Guided Object Meditation: Mindfulness into No Mind

Mindfulness into No Mind

Meditation in Shala


Meditation is sticking to one thought. That single thought keeps away other thoughts; distraction of mind is a sign of its weakness; by constant meditation it gains strength. 

Ramana Maharshi


Guided Object Meditation

Object meditation is a visual meditation type, which is based on focusing the mind on one particular thing – in this case it is an object in front of our eyes or an image of it.  It is often highly recommended for beginners, who find it difficult to still the mind. Thanks to practice, it becomes easier for the mind to release into a place of emptiness and to simply just being. Watch our video “Guided Object Meditation Mindfulness into No Mind”. Try it, learn more about yourself and experience peace and serenity.




Today we’ll practice object meditation. Please enlarge your screen to a full screen and simply observe, see what you’re looking at. In object meditation, we look; we see; we are mindful of the image of whatever we are present with. However, we do not let it go beyond our sense organs; meaning: we see the image, we see the movement, the flow.


Try to just let it be there, not adding any story or any adjective or any description to whatever you’re seeing.


If you do find yourself having that little bit of schizophrenic – talking to yourself – moment, don’t worry about it, it’s okay. Just return over and over. Just watching. Allowing yourself to soften your gaze, so that as you watch the flow – the movement – there is a sense of ease in the body… there is a sense of dissolving, of letting go.

While you are focused mindfully at one point, allow yourself to soften, to really come to a place where you are doing nothing, where you are watching and slowly, slowly allowing the watcher disappear.


No more doing; rather, being.

Stay with the image.




Only now.


The more we dissolve, the more we allow ourselves to surrender into just being and just seeing. Eventually, it is not an even mindfulness practice, but really dropping the mind altogether. So then you can connect, be one in your experience.


That is the true yoga.

The one is beyond our separating mind.

The one is simply being with all that there is.


As you practice this, make sure you’re practicing from a place of love and compassion. Please, be kind to yourself when you notice that your mind drifts away, and simply return to the object, to the present, to just being. Keep practicing over and over again and then take this out into the world, practice, being present with your eating, with anything that you’re doing, your walking, your talking. And so that over time this simply becomes a part of who you are.



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How was this experience for you? What is your favorite meditation: do you prefer object, guided? Maybe the simple zen meditation, just following the breath? 

For more videos check out the YouTube channel.

Learn more with our retreats and our teacher training courses at Doron Yoga & Zen Center in Guatemala.


Blissful Living,


Some Toughts (7)

  1. Reply

    […] Guided object meditation […]

  2. added on 19 Jan, 2020

    […] a room for the first time. Om with your friends and family before meals. Take a bow or practice object meditation whenever you see something beautiful, like the view of Lake Atitlan at our retreat center in […]

  3. Katarzyna
    added on 27 Oct, 2021

    Thank you ! During this meditation words from Bible came to my mind: “I am, who I am”

    • Doron Yoga
      added on 3 Dec, 2021

      Thanks for sharing!

  4. Reply

    […] Object meditation […]

  5. Reply

    […] it to be completely clear and focused without allowing any other thoughts to occur. If your meditation object is the determination to regard every person you meet as a friend, you can now mix your […]

  6. Reply

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