Doron Yoga

Yoga trainings that transform you, empower you, and give you
a proven system to have a perfect adaptable sequence every time.
Amazing for anyone that wants to get clear on life, improve overall
health and grow to be an exceptional teacher

Study with the best at the most beautiful yoga space in Guatemala
with exceptional care for each individual

Take a tour of where the training will be

Lake Atitlan calming view near Doron Yoga & Zen Center yoga retreat in Guatemala


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Ashtanga and Vinyasa Teacher Training with Doron Hanoch. Learn about the Doron Yoga™ Method, and receive 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certification by Doron Yoga™.


Doron Yoga™ is a holistic yoga approach that offers practical tools for total health and happiness to live a spiritual life within the modern world. Non dogmatic, full of love and laughter.

Ninja Body with a Zen Mind, creating both physical and mental balance on and off the mat. An adaptable Ashtanga and Vinyasa system, Doron Yoga™ is a standardized system with a flexible approach.

The Doron Yoga & Zen Center offers yoga and meditation retreats as well as personal retreats and accommodations on the shores of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. RYS-200 and RYS-500 certified by Yoga Alliance, Yoga Teacher Trainings are also offered as an opportunity to deepen participant’s yoga practice.
The practice of Ashtanga Yoga and Yin Yoga combined with Pranayama and Meditation Sessions will allow you empower not only your body but also your mind. 
Learn more about the Center here.

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