Arm Balances – Eka Pada Koundiyanasana

Arm Balances – Eka Pada Koundiyanasana

Eka Pada Koundiyanasana

Doing an arm balance should be fun! But keep in mind when doing an arm balance to shift your hips over your center of gravity. This will allow the head and legs to extend, and your body will act as a see-saw. see the video to understand how to do this – it is all about the right setup of the arms and body, and then shifting the weight forward. Eka pada koundiyasana can be added to warm-ups, for example after the lizard pose.


How to come into the pose

    • Take your palms to the ground and bend the elbows towards each others.
    • Place one leg (right inner thigh) on the right upper arm, leaning towards it. Lower your hips and let your ribs rest on the left arm
    • Reach your chest forward, keep the gaze steady
    • While you are shifting the weight forward, the back leg will eventually start coming up automatically
    • Try to straighten the right leg to the side
    • Stay in pose for some breaths and repeat on the other side

Keep on practicing! If the arm balance is not happening today, don’t give up. With time you’ll develop more strength on your arms and core to lift up.


Arm Balance – Eka Pada Koundiyanasana



Share the Balance

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Blissful Living,


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