
Advanced Yoga Asanas: Mukta Hasta Sirsasana C

Advanced Yoga Asanas: Mukta Hasta Sirsasana C

Free Hand Headstand Mukta hasta sirsasana is an advanced free hand headstand from the second series of Ashtanga yoga. Do not do this unless you have a good, regular headstand in your asana practice. If you are new to headstand practice, start here. Remember that mastering a headstand takes time and you shouldn't be rushing into [...]
Yoga in 2020 – From Social Norms to Inner Observance

Yoga in 2020 – From Social Norms to Inner Observance

The Inner World of Niyamas In part one we discussed the Yamas. Read the article here. Part two will look into the Niyamas, which are positive duties or observances. As the Yamas are more directed towards society, the Niyamas are more internally directed.   Śaucha Saucha means cleanliness or purity. A certain hygiene is required [...]
Building your practice on the right Yoga Mat

Building your practice on the right Yoga Mat

Which Yoga Mat Should I Buy? A constant question that my students always ask me is: What is the best yoga mat to buy for my practice? I am always enforcing the idea that the most important part of yoga is not to have the latest or most expensive equipment, but simply to show up. [...]
Yoga in 2020 – An Ancient Science in a Modern World

Yoga in 2020 – An Ancient Science in a Modern World

Old Meets New Western culture has become increasingly more demanding. Only 20 years ago, there were no smartphones and the internet was just invented. Today we always want to be online. Fear of missing out and social pressure from peers and strangers due to social media can constantly consume our peace of mind. Of course, [...]
Yoga 2020 – Asanas: a Modern Phenomenon?

Yoga 2020 – Asanas: a Modern Phenomenon?

Are Asanas A Recent Creation? This is the final part of our series 'Yoga in 2020'. We are going to look at the 3rd limb of Pantanjali’s 8 limbs of Ashtanga, Asana. Here you can read Part 1 and Part 2, if you haven’t yet.   Asana in the Sutras and Bhagavad Gita The literal [...]
Modified Ashtanga Second Series For Everyone

Modified Ashtanga Second Series For Everyone

Modified Ashtanga Intermediate Series In this video we're giving you a modified version of the classic Ashtanga Second Series. Typically, the Second Series is introduced to the student once the Primary Series has been mastered. However, here we give you many modifications to make it more accessible for all levels. This class flows at a [...]
How to do Jump Throughs – This Works!

How to do Jump Throughs – This Works!

Jumping through in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Tradition   This video explains jump throughs to transition from Adho Mukha Svanasa (Downward-facing dog pose) to Dandasana (Staff pose). It's commonly referred to as a "jump through to sit". The jump through can serve as a great way to build strength, mobility and focus. This means your practice [...]
Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Learn how to practice Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salute B) Surya Namaskar is one of the fundamental sequences in yoga asana practice. In the video below, you'll see detailed instruction of the poses as well as a flow practice with Doron and Vanessa. In addition, you'll learn the Sanskrit count of Surya Namaskar B, its [...]
How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

Vatayanasana - Ashtanga Intermediate Series Vatayanasana, is a pose/ asana from the intermediate ashtanga series. The name of this pose translates into English as "horse pose". This pose is a unique kind of a balancing pose, and will help to open the shoulders and hips. Please be careful practicing horse pose if you have any [...]