
Satya The Truth Be Told

Satya The Truth Be Told

Satya - Truthfulness Satya, or truth in Sanskrit, is the first of restraints, contained within the Yamas (the first of the eight limbs of Yoga, prescribed by the great sage Patanjali). In Sanskrit Satya is also defined as "sate hitam satyam" which translates to "The path to ultimate truth (Sat) is Satya (i.e. the real [...]
Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Enlightenment - Freedom from the cycle     “If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family.”  Ram Dass     Prayer for enlightenment Asatoma satgamaya Tamasoma jyothirgamaya Mrithyorma amritamgamaya Om shanti, shanti, shanti Lead us from ignorance to truth, From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let [...]
Yoga Philosophy Part II: Living Past Suffering

Yoga Philosophy Part II: Living Past Suffering

Learning to swim in the ocean of Samsara "A yogi should always show compassion towards those who are suffering." Mans Broo   There is a natural tendency for the mind to understand things through dualism. To see that things are either good or bad, beautiful or ugly, light or dark. In fact, it is only [...]
Yoga Philosophy Part I: Is there life after death?

Yoga Philosophy Part I: Is there life after death?

Is There Life After Death? What makes us think there is life after death? Did people simply make it up so death doesn't feel so scary?   God and afterlife are concepts in many religions and traditions. God exists as the creator of the universe and decides our fate. Religions like Christianity and Islam see [...]