
Are you addicted to Drama?

Are you addicted to Drama?

Stories and Drama in Our Head Being addicted to drama happens over time. Like many addictions, we begin with some mini exaggerations of reality, feeling a victim, dramatically criticizing, taking things out of context or loosing sight of what actually is happening. Some of us feel more alive when there is drama in our life. [...]
1 Hour Yoga Body Zen Mind Class

1 Hour Yoga Body Zen Mind Class

A Classic Doron Yoga Class  Yoga Body, Zen Mind is a core theme here at the Doron Yoga & Zen Center. It is our signature retreat which combines the two principle values that are involved in everything we do here. Physicality without the mentality to guide it is nothing. Mentality without the strength to uphold [...]
Yoga For Focus And Steadiness

Yoga For Focus And Steadiness

Mindfulness, Focus, and Steadiness This is an active and powerful yoga practice to develop focus and steadiness. Use it as an opportunity to connect to your Zen Mind. The core themes of this 75 minute long vinyasa class are awareness, centering and most importantly, your drishti - the stable Yogic Gaze. As a result of [...]
What is the purpose of hands on assists?

What is the purpose of hands on assists?

To touch a student or not? What is the purpose of hands on assists? Learning how to incorporate and the purpose of hands on assists in your teaching is very important. At Doron Yoga, we believe that touch can be healing, and that beyond verbal cues, hands-on assist have many important benefits.   The purpose [...]
Making pain out of pain

Making pain out of pain

We can build painful stories out of painful things Our minds have a way of making pain out of pain. After a visit to the dentist, the bottom left side of my mouth was filled with an unpleasant sensation. The sensation was so intense and caused me so much discomfort that I had to tell [...]
Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

The Eight Limbs of Yoga The great sage Patanjali wrote four chapters on how to find true freedom by freeing the mind. A core of his teachings is presented in the eight limbs. A brief summary is presented here.   Yamas These are restraints, or social and universal moralities which serve as a basis for [...]
Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Your body as a temple Seems like most people I know suffer from some sort of injury one time or another. Here are a few tips, from Yoga practice to supplements and food. Before I begin my practice I bring my awareness to my body. Feeling where it is today, awake, stiff, sore or energetic. [...]