How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

How to do Vatayanasana or Horse Pose Ashtanga

Vatayanasana – Ashtanga Intermediate Series

Vatayanasana, is a pose/ asana from the intermediate ashtanga series. The name of this pose translates into English as “horse pose”. This pose is a unique kind of a balancing pose, and will help to open the shoulders and hips. Please be careful practicing horse pose if you have any knee pain or injuries. In this case, practice vatayanasana carefully and do one of the modifications instead of the full pose.



Vatayanasana – Horse Pose



Using a Vinyasa to Transition

Stand in samastitih. Take ardha badha padmottasana, or half bound lotus standing forward bend (for how to get into this pose, see our ashtanga standing poses video at 20:35). Keep your right leg in half lotus and bring your hands to the mat. Jump back, keeping the right leg in lotus, and move through the whole vinyasa. From downward dog, inhale and jump forward and lower the right knee down. The left leg should be at a 90-degree angle as in the warrior poses.

Activate your bandhas and straighten your back. Take the right arm underneath the left arm and wrap them around one another, such as in Garudasana (Eagle Pose). Stay here for five deep ujjayi breaths. Release the hands as you exhale, and keep the right leg in lotus as you take your vinyasa.

Once you are in your downward dog, release your right leg and take the left leg into lotus. Jump forward and repeat the pose on the left side.

To come out of the posture: take a three legged vinyasa with you and jump forward. Take the left hand behind the back to bind into ardha baddha padmottasana. Lift up on inhale and release to samastitih on exhale.


Modified version I

If you have your right leg in half lotus but are struggling with the balance, keep the left knee on the ground rather than coming up onto the foot.


Modified version II

If half lotus is not possible for you, lower the right knee onto the mat and keep the left knee at a 90-degree angle. Take the right arm underneath the left one and wrap them around one another. Lift the arms as high as possible. In this variation, you will still be opening the hips and practicing the balance.

Enjoy your practice!


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Some Toughts (4)

  1. added on 16 May, 2019

    Beautiful! I love the detailed description, as well as the different modifications. Thanks!

  2. Adrienne Edson
    added on 14 Jun, 2019

    Thank you for teaching this unique pose! It’s always fun to find new expressions

  3. Kinga Szabo
    added on 2 Jul, 2019

    THis is a great explanation of this unique pose, I’ll try it at home.

  4. added on 27 May, 2020

    […] Vatayanasana -Horse pose […]

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