
Death, Rebirth, Jesus, Spring Cleaning and Chocolate Eggs

Death, Rebirth, Jesus, Spring Cleaning and Chocolate Eggs

What does Easter, Passover or in general spring time mean for you?  For many, in an increasingly materialistic and pleasure driven society it’s vacation time, certain foods, chocolate Easter eggs and maybe time with family.  Easter involves the betrayal, death and resurrection of Christ and the knowledge that while this world might be a vale […]

What is the difference between prayer and meditation?

What is the difference between prayer and meditation?

Schools of Thought When I hear someone speak of meditation I automatically think of a Buddhist. Yet, when I hear the word prayer, I think of a Christian. What is the difference between prayer and meditation? Are they the same practice just called by different names? The reason I am splitting hairs over these two [...]
4 Tips to Help You Cope with Fear

4 Tips to Help You Cope with Fear

How to Handle Fear In psychology we find the concept of social contagion. This is when a person copies a certain behavior of others - these days it is fear and panic. Every single person who can stay calm and handle fear will support the collective in dealing with the worldwide challenges. NY times Fear, [...]
About Anjali Mudra: A Gesture of Offering

About Anjali Mudra: A Gesture of Offering

What is a Mudra? A mudra is a gesture used in various Hindu and Buddhist traditions to symbolically represent or activate a specific energy. Mudras with the hands, known as hasta mudras, are the most common and well-known of these gestures. While some mudras are used in ritual, others are used to enhance our yogic [...]
Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Enlightenment - Freedom from the cycle     “If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family.”  Ram Dass     Prayer for enlightenment Asatoma satgamaya Tamasoma jyothirgamaya Mrithyorma amritamgamaya Om shanti, shanti, shanti Lead us from ignorance to truth, From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let [...]