
Breath is the First Medicine

Breath is the First Medicine

Breath as a Medicine Last year I volunteered at a music festival in the medical tent. Because of my history with asthma, I worked with the patients who rushed in with asthma attacks. They were helpless. Unable to be at peace and afraid they might never find a satisfying breath again. There seemed to be [...]
Tristana – The 3 Pillars of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Tristana – The 3 Pillars of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

The Three Pillars of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Tristana is the foundation of the practice of ashtanga yoga. As such, it is a tool to help cultivate the ultimate presence of mind, focus, and stability. Tristana consists of three parts: Ujjayi breath (victorious breath), the bandhas (energy locks), and drsti (yogic gaze). These three tools transform [...]
Yoga for Asthma: How Yoga Can Help You Breathe Better

Yoga for Asthma: How Yoga Can Help You Breathe Better

The Practice Learning to use tools of yoga for asthma changed my life. The practices that helped me can help anyone breathe better, even those who don’t have asthma. Asthma can be triggered for different reasons, and different things will help different people, but some basic yoga practices are ideal if you want to breathe better. [...]
Sitali Pranayama – Cooling Breathing Technique

Sitali Pranayama – Cooling Breathing Technique

Sitali Pranayama - Cooling Breath Sitali pranayama is a cooling breathing technique. It's benefits include regulating the nervous system, cooling and calming down, reducing inflammation and bringing calmness and peace. It is an ancient practice that yogis used to cool the body when it was hot and sunny.  The breath begins with rolling the tongue [...]
How to Do Kapalbhati – Breath of Fire

How to Do Kapalbhati – Breath of Fire

How to Do Kapalbhati - Breath of Fire In this video Doron demonstretes How to do Kapalbhati pranayama. Kapalabhati, or breath of fire (literally translates as skull shining), is a powerful pranayama that helps heat the body. It moves and massages the digestive system and moves the energy in the body. Active exhale helps to [...]
Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

The Eight Limbs of Yoga The great sage Patanjali wrote four chapters on how to find true freedom by freeing the mind. A core of his teachings is presented in the eight limbs. A brief summary is presented here.   Yamas These are restraints, or social and universal moralities which serve as a basis for [...]