
Satya The Truth Be Told

Satya The Truth Be Told

Satya - Truthfulness Satya, or truth in Sanskrit, is the first of restraints, contained within the Yamas (the first of the eight limbs of Yoga, prescribed by the great sage Patanjali). In Sanskrit Satya is also defined as "sate hitam satyam" which translates to "The path to ultimate truth (Sat) is Satya (i.e. the real [...]
Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment // OM ASATOMA SATGAMAYA TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA MRITHYORMA AMRITAMGAMAYA OM SHANTI,, SHANTI, SHANTI Lead us from ignorance to truth From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let peace prevail everywhere   Find more information on chants here, and for more reading on yogic techniques check out the Doron Yoga Manual.
Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

The Yamas of Ashtanga Yoga in Modern Day Life What are the Yamas? They are a term that appears in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras in Ashtanga Yoga. In ashtanga, meaning eight limbs, Yamas are the first limb meaning right living. In other words they are ethical guidelines for good living. The five Yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, [...]