Finding Your Edge

Finding Your Edge

What is the edge?

The concept of “edge” is often used in western thought and conversation.  Innovative companies are often described to be on the ‘cutting edge’ of technology.  People describe anything that brings them relief as ‘taking off the edge’. An ‘edgy’ person is someone who is defensive, or close to becoming angry.


Where is the edge?

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said, “You cannot step into the same river twice”. Like a river, you cannot step into the same body twice either. Every day the body is different. Some days I feel like I can jump into some crazy poses, and others even the most basic poses seem like a huge task.

Being on an edge implies change, growth, and transition, or being on the border of something new or different. Edges are ephemeral or unique, only existing temporally because of they move.  There’s always a new edge, and often the old one doesn’t exist anymore.

In yoga, we progress by approaching our edges and try to staying there, until there is a new edge. Each practice we try to sit in meditation for longer. When we stretch we try to go deeper and deeper. In balancing poses we challenge ourselves more by changing our gaze, lifting a leg higher or an extra hand off the ground. This is how we make progress, become stronger and more resilient.


Why be aware of your edges?

We need to respect our bodies wherever they may be.  This is the first rule for sustainable yoga. Often on the other side of the edge is injury. It’s always possible to push it too far.  You should always be aware of your edge, honoring it for what it is and how far you should go. Some practices to consider:

    • Be alert and present. Don’t be thinking about work while you’re deep in a forward fold.
    • Know the difference between intense sensations and pain. Listen to your body
    • Go to the place just before pain; back off if the pain is there.
    • Use your ujjayi breath to stay calm and still
    • Move in a fresh way, appreciation the movement as if it’s your first time doing it.
    • Explore breath as an indicator – notice when the breath becomes rapid or shallow and back off to where you can breathe smoothly.
    • Move gracefully – like in a dance. Steady, smooth movements without jerking.


Finding the edge in forward fold


Finding the edge

Finding the edge is the play between putting in an effort to go deeper and respecting the signals that say, “Enough!” If you are the type that always pushes hard, consider taking it a bit slower, and if you tend to have an edge that is 60% of what you can do, try going to 80%. When in the pose, stay calm, breathe deeply, and practice acceptance of where you are, of your edge, this will allow the process of moving deeper be gradual, safe, and appropriate for what your body can do at the moment. 


Share the Stretch

How do you know where your edge is? Leave us a comment and let us know! Share this article with some friends, maybe they can go further towards their edge, maybe they need to come back a bit from the edge. Help them out!

Visit us at Doron Yoga & Zen Center to find your edge, either on a retreat or discover our teacher training courses

Have a look at the Doron Yoga Manual for plenty more information on developing your practice and helping others develop theirs.


Blissful Living,



Some Toughts (2)

  1. יוסי חנוך
    added on 3 Mar, 2021

    Excellent thank you so very much for this. I find it very useful

    • Doron Yoga
      added on 3 Mar, 2021

      Happy you did. Thanks for reading and for commenting!!

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