Transform Yourself in 5 Steps Using this Sword

Transform Yourself in 5 Steps Using this Sword

Transform Yourself Starting Now

Life Happens

Transformation happens all the time. we change every moment, with or without our awareness. Life passes by. Stop! look and listen. Pay attention. Is life just happening to you? Are you being conscious of your decisions. Are they a conditioned response or a conscious, present decision?

Sometimes we are the ones deciding in which direction it goes. However, at other times we are just responding to circumstances. You can be in control of your transformation. Will you take the decision to lead the way and transform yourself, into a better version? It is your birthright. 

The discerning sword

When you consciously decide to not just follow old patterns, not just be the puppet of your habitual mind, you get the power of the discerning sword of Patanjali. This sage from back in the day, was smart enough to know that both happiness and suffering come from the mind. He teaches us that the road to yoga, the functioning of a clear and present mind, is thanks to mind mastery

This sword cuts through spiritual ignorance. He uses the discerning sword of transformation to show us that Prakriti (nature/matter,) is not permanent. The sharp discerning awareness cuts through the attachment to the ego and the concept of the individual self. When we understand our true self, we have the power of Self Transformation. We each have this sword, and it’s up to us to learn how to use it.

Read here to learn about 5 practices of sword usage to transform yourself

   1. Watch your movements

Watch your movements in simple tasks. This will help you create awareness to the present moment. Bring attention to how you lift your hand and reach for the door knob. Watch as your handgrips the knob. See how the door open and notice your foot stepping forward. These practices are easier done in slower motion that you may be used to. Thus, you may want to do this with some pre intended motions through the day, and over time add more as you get used to it. Maybe set an intention to notice all movements today of hand reaching doors, or every time you open a faucet. 
Transform Yourself and Be Yourself

    2.Watch your words

While speaking, watch your words as the come out. Notice if they are auto dictated from conditioning or is it a fresh thought of the moment. The words themselves are of course pronounced from conditioning. Thank goodness for that. Imagine how long it would take to express anything if we had to relearn a language anew every day. However, even our thoughts and patterns of speaking are mostly from conditioning. Do you have a passive aggressive pattern, or maybe a way of speaking with way too many adjectives? Do you speak clearly and pronounce words correctly? How about the use of the F word? How often do you turn to victim lingo, or to speak without noticing who you are talking to? Watching the manner in which we communicate is as important for building awareness as it is to having a peaceful and successful life.

  1. Attachment to Ideas

Attachment comes in many forms. Though often instructed as attachment to things and stuff, most of hold tight onto to ideas and identities. It starts with our name. Ask someone ‘who are you?’, and the first answer is usually Jennifer, Jack, or Sharon or whatever the person’s name is. Is this who you are? Others identify with their profession; I am a teacher, an artist. Some to their gender or to nationality. Religion is hugs too. Examine these attachments.  Can you consider them to be part of a changeable identity. No need to let go of any of them, just release the attachment. The more you can do that, the more you can accept differences in others.

  1. Watch your Activities

So much of what we do is habitual. This goes for lighting a cigarette, how we sit, what we eat and drink and what we do in our free time. Do you find yourself turning on TV in the eve without thinking about it? What would happen if you decided to do this only 1-2 a week. Other times meditate or read. Instead of shopping for products you are used to, stop for a moment, and see if it is good for you and the planet. Be willing to change the habit. Little steps create big transformation. This will transform yourself and your life.

  1. Sit for 5 minutes and Scan

Scan your day. Sit for 5 min at lunch and 5 min in the eve, to scan the day. See where have your reactions been out of bad habit, and auto conditioning. Can you visualize how you would respond differently if you were the enlightened version of yourself? This practice helps plant new healthy seeds in the mind. It does take time to change patterns so keep doing this over and over, every day. It is like the day review challenge, a reality check.

Remember that nothing is permanent and that transitions are inevitable. Take control, hold the sword of discernment and transform your life to a better you.

Let the sword cut through the bad habits and create new healthy ones. You have the power; will you take it? Don’t just go back to old patters, make it happen.

Here is a fun video that demonstrates outer transformation. I have seen this a lot during my days as a fashion photographer. I am happy to announce that nowadays I am seeing some amazing transformation from the inside radiating out – The participants of our teacher training are showing their glow.



Share the Sword

Do you have any other self transformation tips and tricks? Leave us a comment below and let us know! Share this article with a friend who is going through a transformation process and remind them of their choice!

For more yogic philosophy and techniques that you can apply to your personal transformation journey, check out the Doron Yoga Manual. A complete guide to everything you need to know about yoga!
Transform and Evolve!



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