Making pain out of pain

Making pain out of pain

We can build painful stories out of painful things

Our minds have a way of making pain out of pain. After a visit to the dentist, the bottom left side of my mouth was filled with an unpleasant sensation. The sensation was so intense and caused me so much discomfort that I had to tell everyone about it. I tried to do some work, but I couldn’t and I would constantly tell my partner how impossible it was for me to work with the pain.  A story played out in my mind. How this dentist did a horrible job, and yes, it was probably because he put the injection in wrong. This went on and on for a long time, and I got more irritated, upset and annoyed at the whole situation.


Dental pain and emotions


The story shows how the mind has a way of reinforcing negativity, by thinking about it, talking about it, telling others about it, analyzing it, and getting upset. I immediately was labeling the pain as discomfort. Then I was allowing in more negativity by getting upset at the dentist and the whole medical system.  My mind was building claims about how the system is corrupt and how that led to me getting the cheaper anesthesia.  I was adding to the pain and created more suffering than was necessary. 



Pain doesn’t have to be such a big deal



Another option is to recognize the sensation and then let it be. To not give it a negative label.  To allow myself to move on to whatever else I need to do.  Pain is just a signal and we should simply observe the signal and take the necessary action. Then we can move on. To focus on other things, while the sensation takes backstage.

When we make a big deal out of negativity it restructures our neural pathways.  We become conditioned to let the pain cause a chain reaction of emotions and story building.  This can lead to more and more negative thought patterns and actions. Read more on breaking the cycle of samskaras.

You can train yourself to find freedom by becoming aware of your mind’s responses and of your automatic actions and conditioned behavior. You can stop the response at an early stage in the process, eliminating the chain of reactions that happen as patterns of conditioning. Once you are released from this cycle of automatic reactions, you are moving into a state of more freedom.

It’s a place of less suffering, and more awareness. When suffering is gone, bliss is what remains. Practicing awareness in daily life as well as observing your during meditation will help you take charge of your life.


How to stop the mind from making more pain out of pain

    • Meditate more and watch your thought patterns for build-up of stories
    • Review your stories. Talk them out or examine your thoughts
    • Think response vs reaction. Try to respond more to pain rather than just let the mind react. Responses are rational and driven by awareness. 

Padmasana lotus meditation



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For more useful techniques on how to deal with negativity and thoughts repeating, check out the Doron Yoga Manual. It’s packed with yogic philosophy and ways to apply them to everyday situations.


Blissful Living,



One Comment

  1. […] Essentially, all drama is perceived as big or small and good or bad.  The mind puts a label on it and then makes up a story around it. For example, we might decide that the divorce we’re going through is the end of the world, making it both a big and bad deal. This is just a label we’re giving it.  We’re adding more pain than necessary to the actual happenings. The same thing happens when we lose a job or worry about death. Whatever pain we have we are liable to build a story around it and that can just bring more pain.  See our article on the pain of pain.  […]