
Chaturanga (Push-Up) – How to Save Your Shoulders

Chaturanga (Push-Up) – How to Save Your Shoulders

Chaturanga (Push-Up) - Save Your Shoulders Chaturanga dandasana, also known as the low push-up position. It is a fundamental part of the vinyasa in ashtanga, vinyasa, power and flow classes. Chaturanga is done over and over, and if not done right it can lead to injuries, mainly in the shoulders. Practicing chaturanga in an unsafe manner is [...]
About the Founder: Doron Hanoch

About the Founder: Doron Hanoch

 About the Founder: Doron Hanoch Doron is a Certified 550 hour Yoga Teacher (ERYT) as well as the director of the Doron Yoga & Zen Center (RYS 200 and 500). He was introduced to Yoga and Meditation in 1992 while traveling and studying in the Far East for 2 years. During that time, Doron has [...]
Doron Yoga Teachers

Doron Yoga Teachers

Doron Yoga Teachers Meet our Yoga Teachers! Lauren Anas Lauren is a Doron Yoga Teacher at the Yoga Alliance 500 hour level. Her love for movement began at a young age, eventually being trained as a classical ballet dancer. She found yoga in college as a way to keep the body healthy, strong and flexible.  […]

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga History and Explanation of the Yoga System History In the West the name Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga became synonymous with Pattabhi Jois’ (1915-2009) system of yoga. His system is mostly known for its physical practice of asana (poses).  Though the name, Ashtanga translates as eight limbs; these eight limbs are explained in Patanjali’s […]