New Years Resolution – Attain Sustainable Happiness

New Years Resolution – Attain Sustainable Happiness

New Years Resolution: How to Attain Sustainable Happiness

New Years resolution time is here. What is the right question to ask so you can
actually attain sustainable happiness?Doron Fire Hydrant New Years resolution

Most of us ask ‘what can I do’, or ‘what can I receive, or have more of.’
That’s all great, but notice, if year after year as you get more of what you want, do you actually get happier?

I notice for myself, that my question needed to change. Instead of asking what do I want, I asked, what would I do if I had all options open?
What I discovered is, that I would be giving more. The most sustainable happiness is the happiness of sharing. 

Really, when you share, and see other people excited about what you shared with them, or improving their lives thanks to the knowledge you shared, it is very rewarding.

One student had constant issues with her child’s anger. With the tools she learned in one of my teacher trainings, she knew what to do as soon as it started, and problem was solved. Everyone was happier. Another one knew how to better relate to her husband as she understood better the mysteries of the mind.

Imagine that you share this knowledge with people, and years later you get regular messages of how you helped them, or that they still follow your advice and feel better. This is exponential joy.

The world changes with your example, not with our opinion! - New Years resolution


Can there be an option of sharing and receiving at the same time?

I was not planning on doing a teacher training in February. I will be doing a 200hr and 300hr in Israel, between March and June, and then a 200hr one in a Buddhist Monastery in September in Nepal.

However, I have been teaching yoga classes in San Pedro on the rooftop of Albert Bar. I love the classes and the energy of the worldwide travelers that show up. Once a girl from Oakland asked me if I am teaching any training on the lake soon, it was a no brainer – of course I am. And thus the February Training arrived. This training is the opportunity for me to share with you the yoga lifestyle, the yoga philosophy, anatomy, safety, tips and tricks, yogic eating and so much more.

Since I recognize that as I share I enjoy, I tried to make it as accessible as possible.

I want to add an additional offer. If you are joining with a friend, it is $3100 all-inclusive. Less than the price of one training in the USA, and this includes food and accommodations!

This training is not for the so-called “advanced student”. This training will show you how to practice correctly and get deeper faster no matter your level. It is a complete yoga lifestyle training, and you will have a good self practice system as well.

OK, so funds are not the issue, but you do not have the time, and can’t seem to make it happen though you know how great it would be for you.

How about becoming a yoga sponsor? Help someone who really wants to do this training, but can’t afford it. Offer a scholarship of $500 or $1000. You will know specifically to which student this went to, and can be in touch with them as they go through the training. Your name of choice will appear on the Doron Yoga site as Smith Family $500 Scholarship, or The Jones Foundation $1000 scholarship (any name you like really).

So what is your New Year’s resolution? How do you answer: “What would I do if I had all options open?” How do you attain sustainable happiness?


Share your intentions and resolution for New Years in the comments below.


yoga grads2 - New Years resolution


Join us at Doron Yoga & Zen Center for a teacher training course. If you need convincing, here’s 12 reasons why you should!


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