
What is the Worst-Case Scenario?

What is the Worst-Case Scenario?

How to Overcome Fear You decide to start your own business. You make the list of all the pros and cons. You start figuring out costs, and possibilities. Now you have the full business plan ready and it all looks promising. But then fear comes in. What is the worst-case scenario? You are in a […]

Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment // OM ASATOMA SATGAMAYA TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA MRITHYORMA AMRITAMGAMAYA OM SHANTI,, SHANTI, SHANTI Lead us from ignorance to truth From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let peace prevail everywhere   Find more information on chants here, and for more reading on yogic techniques check out the Doron Yoga Manual.
Less Pain, More Happiness

Less Pain, More Happiness

Find Happiness Life will always have its moments of pain, but it doesn't mean you have to suffer from it. The attitude of the mind towards the pain will determine whether the pain goes away quickly or becomes a lasting suffering. Learning to control the attitude of the mind will save you from adding more [...]
Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant This is the classic way to end the ashtanga practice as taught by Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India. After the practice is done, and before savasana, chants this astanga closing chant quietly to yourself this chant, or even out loud. Practice chanting the ashtanga closing chant over and over here with this [...]
Raw Chocolate Mousse

Raw Chocolate Mousse

Dessert Decadence   To begin with, you may feel naughty for eating this but there are only delicious, healthy, raw, and vegan ingredients! This raw chocolate mousse is amazing and energizing. Due to the combination of healthy natural wonders, it gives you the feeling that you are having an extravagant dessert, however there are no sugar [...]