
Bow Pose – How to do Dhanurasana

Bow Pose – How to do Dhanurasana

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana Doron breaks down the foundation of bow pose, including a step-by-step demonstration, and techniques for transitioning from dhanurasana to your vinyasa. Dhanurasana is a backbend that is part of Ashtanga second series. In the Doron Yoga method, it is in the block of "on the belly" -poses. This pose involves the [...]
How to do Salabhasana, the Locust Pose for a Healthy Back

How to do Salabhasana, the Locust Pose for a Healthy Back

Salabhasana - Locust Pose Salabhasana is a yoga pose (asana) that both strengthens and improves the flexibility of the back. It is an important warm up for all other backbends, and appropriate for all levels. Salabhasana is practiced on the belly with variations of the legs and arms actions. Salabhasana, or locust, is part of [...]