
Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Surya Namaskar B Explained in Detail – Sun Salute B

Learn how to practice Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salute B) Surya Namaskar is one of the fundamental sequences in yoga asana practice. In the video below, you'll see detailed instruction of the poses as well as a flow practice with Doron and Vanessa. In addition, you'll learn the Sanskrit count of Surya Namaskar B, its [...]
Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga Vinyasa Warmup The Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up is a great warm up for any yoga practice, or even just a simple practice for when you don't have time to do a full practice. It warms up the core, the hips, the thighs, stretches the spine, and gently creates heat and focus. This [...]