Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga Vinyasa Warmup

The Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up is a great warm up for any yoga practice, or even just a simple practice for when you don’t have time to do a full practice. It warms up the core, the hips, the thighs, stretches the spine, and gently creates heat and focus.

This sequence includes the low lunge and high lunge, together with vinyasas. Many times we might feel not ready to start from standing. Begin with some cat-cow poses to warm up the spine, then go to downward dog, and then do the Doron Yoga Vinyasa Warm Up.

Even before all this, if you like to start with a seated meditation first for a few minutes, please go ahead. Then take some deep breaths, and only then begin this warm up.

You can modify the Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up slightly as needed to make it work for your body. Over time you can work on building it up to the full practice. You can also hold the poses longer if you need more time to open the hips.

You can follow this warm up with the The Doron Yoga vinyasa flow sun salute variations. Then you can move to Surya Namaskara A.

Make sure to do this slowly and with deep breathing. It is always better to work with a qualified teacher at first.


Vinyasa Warm Up


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Blissful Living,


One Comment

  1. David Taran
    added on 19 Aug, 2013

    Wonderful Warm Up!