Yoga: A Vital Aid in Dealing with Exam Stress

Yoga: A Vital Aid in Dealing with Exam Stress

Yoga For Exam Stress

People everywhere are adopting yoga into their lives, with over 200 million yogis practicing worldwide. Yoga asana has become an important complementary therapy for a wide array of ailments. For instance, yoga plays a vital role in a variety of recovery programs. Examples include programs for those battling eating disorders, cancer, substance abuse and stress-related conditions. This healing practice is also growing in popularity with primary, secondary and university students. This is because they often experience stress and lack of sleep when exam time comes around.


What Effects do Exams Have on Mental Health and Well-being?

Physical and emotional struggles like self-harm, anorexia, anxiety, depression, and insomnia are attributed to exam stress. One important study, carried out by M. Hutchings, et al, found that both students and teachers are under a lot of pressure to achieve results in a ‘pressure cooker’ environment. As a result, courses focus more on exams than on broader knowledge. This can detract from the learning experience.

Yoga classes in Zendo Yoga Shala


How Students Can Deal with Stress Through Exercise and Yoga

Movement is vital; children who spend too much time indoors studying or using technology are at a risk of developing obesity. They also deprive themselves of the many benefits of nature, which include stress reduction. Exercise has long been documented as a powerful mood lifter. Yoga in particular has been found to lower stress hormones significantly.

Since yoga involves mind-body control, it can be very helpful when students are feeling anxious before an exam. Techniques such as pranayamic breathing come in handy when panic sets in. Meditation can help redirect the mind to ‘the here and now’, with studies showing that yoga can improve cognitive performance.

Some primary schools use yoga to help children channel anger, frustration, and stress in a positive way. In a more peaceful frame of mind, they are more likely to listen to teachers. They will also practice conflict resolution techniques effectively.

Regardless of one’s age and life situation, yoga is a powerful ally to embrace throughout one’s lifetime. As a practice, yoga encourages self-compassion, mindfulness, and relaxation. It can help not only during exam time, but also with the vicissitudes that life brings us.

Doron Zendo Shala Meditation

Once you’ve dotted your last “i” and crossed your last “t” on those exams, join is with a family member or friend for some hard-earned relaxation at Doron Yoga & Zen Center! We offer a variety of group and personal retreats, as well as teacher trainings.

Until you arrive, learn more about meditation, pranayama and asana  by following  Doron’s YouTube channel or reading the Doron Yoga Manual.


Blissful Living,


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