
Hips Yoga Workshop Intro

Hips Yoga Workshop Intro

Hips Yoga Workshop This Doron Yoga Workshop focuses on stretching and opening the hips. In it, Doron also explains why it's particularly important to include hip-openers in each yoga practice. Hips are the center of the gravity in our body. In both arm balances and inversions, hips must move to get into the pose. Additionally, [...]
How To Do Pasasana – Video Tutorial

How To Do Pasasana – Video Tutorial

How to Do Pasasana Pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa Pasasana, the noose pose is the first pose of the ashtanga vinyasa intermediate (second) series. Pasasana is a deep twist and the first pose from Ashtanga second series. Most likely it takes some balancing until you finally get the heels on the ground. But remember that you can always [...]
Vinyasa Flow Practice Video

Vinyasa Flow Practice Video

Vinyasa Flow Practice Here is a video showing an hour of vinyasa flow practice for level 2 or intermediate students. All levels can join, but it is advised that you have some knowledge and experience about yoga. It is similar to Ashtanga (Ashtanga standing poses), but with more creative sequence. Above all; make sure that [...]
Guided Forgiveness Meditation – Letting go

Guided Forgiveness Meditation – Letting go

Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement When I opened my computer this morning I came across several messages for a Hatima Tova - Good signature.  In the Jewish tradition this means may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year. It is Yom Kippur, Day of atonement, when we hope to resolve old issues and clean [...]
Sirsasana Core Workout Video – Learn and practice

Sirsasana Core Workout Video – Learn and practice

How to Do the Sirsasana Core Workout Learn and practice the sirsasana - headstand core workout. You will need a steady headstand before attempting this, but once you have a strong headstand, this is a great practice for stability and strength. If you are new to headstands, please have a look at this tutorial.   [...]
Ashtanga Standing Poses Video

Ashtanga Standing Poses Video

Ashtanga Standing Poses Tutorial The Ashtanga Vinyasa standing poses are the foundations for all the ashtanga series. Not only that, most vinyasa classes also use variations of these poses. That is to say these standing poses are a great foundation for any class. This ashtanga standing poses -video covers the sun salutes and the asanas [...]
The Graceful Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial

The Graceful Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial

Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial Vinyasa is placing the breath with the movement in a certain way. This tutorial will show you how to do good vinyasa transitions from chatturanga dandasana to upward facing dog, and from there to downward facing dog. Therefore, learning a good flowing system allows you to move more graceful in line with your breath. [...]
How to do a Rock Star Yoga Headstand -Sirsasana

How to do a Rock Star Yoga Headstand -Sirsasana

Rock Star Yoga Headstand Tutorial Headstand, or sirsana (Shir-SHA-sa-na) as it is known in Sanskrit, is the rock star pose of yoga.  It appears at the end of every single ashtanga vinyasa class, in most vinyasa and power yoga classes, and really in most yoga classes.   Benefits of headstand This rockstar inversion pose conquers [...]
Stretch Off the Office Tightness – Beginners Yoga

Stretch Off the Office Tightness – Beginners Yoga

Stretch Off the Office Tightness - Beginners Yoga for the inflexible Here is a simple 15 minute beginners yoga practice that leads you through easy movements and stretches. As a result, it stretches and releases the neck, head, shoulders, hips, wrists, ankles, knees and even hamstrings. Any tightness you feel in your body, can be [...]