
Baddha Konasana – Open Your Hips Safely

Baddha Konasana – Open Your Hips Safely

Baddha Konasana - an Efficient Hip Opener  Open your hips! Baddha konasana or Bound angle pose is a fantastic pose that helps release the adductors, and loosens up the hips. The hips play a huge roll in our movement of the entire body, and many have them tight due to the sedentary lifestyle of today. Bound angle [...]
Video and Tips on How to Step into a Lunge

Video and Tips on How to Step into a Lunge

Stepping into a Lunge During a yoga class we are often asked "to step into a lunge". That means bringing the foot forward into 90 degrees from down dog. For many this is a great challenge. The truth is that flexibility helps, especially in the hips, but there are some basic tricks that can make [...]
What is the purpose of hands on assists?

What is the purpose of hands on assists?

To touch a student or not? What is the purpose of hands on assists? Learning how to incorporate and the purpose of hands on assists in your teaching is very important. At Doron Yoga, we believe that touch can be healing, and that beyond verbal cues, hands-on assist have many important benefits.   The purpose [...]
Camel Pose Step-by-Step Demonstration – Ustrasana

Camel Pose Step-by-Step Demonstration – Ustrasana

Step-by-Step Demonstration of Ustrasana Here is a healthy way to take care of your back doing the yoga camel pose - Ustrasana. Keep in mind that you are lengthening the spine, opening the chest, reaching the sternum up and then moving into the backbend. Keep your hips pushing forward, quadriceps are active and strong. With [...]
A Talk about Emptiness

A Talk about Emptiness

What is real? A Talk about Emptiness What is real? Here Doron gives a talk about emptiness and what it means in Buddhism. To understand what does it mean, we need to understand that what we see is mostly tainted by the color of our mind. When we are able to identify when we see reality [...]
Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga Vinyasa Warmup The Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up is a great warm up for any yoga practice, or even just a simple practice for when you don't have time to do a full practice. It warms up the core, the hips, the thighs, stretches the spine, and gently creates heat and focus. This [...]
Bow Pose – How to do Dhanurasana

Bow Pose – How to do Dhanurasana

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana Doron breaks down the foundation of bow pose, including a step-by-step demonstration, and techniques for transitioning from dhanurasana to your vinyasa. Dhanurasana is a backbend that is part of Ashtanga second series. In the Doron Yoga method, it is in the block of "on the belly" -poses. This pose involves the [...]