
Breath is the First Medicine

Breath is the First Medicine

Breath as a Medicine Last year I volunteered at a music festival in the medical tent. Because of my history with asthma, I worked with the patients who rushed in with asthma attacks. They were helpless. Unable to be at peace and afraid they might never find a satisfying breath again. There seemed to be [...]
How Yoga Can Help To Reduce Snoring

How Yoga Can Help To Reduce Snoring

Do you want to reduce snoring? Aside from being unpopular with roommates, snoring has negative implications on your sleep quality. If your respiratory system is not working properly, then your body is not receiving the oxygen that is required to repair the body during sleep. In extreme cases, this can lead to sleep apnea or [...]
“But I am not flexible enough to practice yoga.”

“But I am not flexible enough to practice yoga.”

Understanding Flexibility Flexibility is not just the ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range. It’s also an attitude that invests and transforms the mind as well as the body. According to Michael Alter, author of Science of Flexibility (Human Kinetics, 1998), current research demonstrates that individual muscle fibres can be stretched to [...]
Meditation for modern workers

Meditation for modern workers

Why do modern workers need meditation? There should be a meditation for modern workers.  By this, I mean that modern workers have aspects of their work and life that need to be recognized and addressed.  For example, we can design yoga sequences for repairing the body after working long hours at a computer.  In that [...]
Yoga for Eyes

Yoga for Eyes

Release Eye Tension with Yoga for Eyes With the progress of digitalization and the endless opportunities to be online, we inevitably fix our eyes more and more on screens during daily life. The eyesight-related problems resulting from looking at screens are called Computer Vision Syndromes (CVS) and may include: eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and dry [...]
Yoga for Seniors – Sun Salutation on a Chair

Yoga for Seniors – Sun Salutation on a Chair

Chair Yoga for Seniors One often forgotten group of people that can greatly benefit from a regular yoga practice are senior citizens. Even if you are not in this group, you likely have parents, aunts and uncles or grandparents you can introduce to yoga so that they may reap the benefits of yoga for seniors. [...]
Yoga in 2020 – From Social Norms to Inner Observance

Yoga in 2020 – From Social Norms to Inner Observance

The Inner World of Niyamas In part one we discussed the Yamas. Read the article here. Part two will look into the Niyamas, which are positive duties or observances. As the Yamas are more directed towards society, the Niyamas are more internally directed.   Śaucha Saucha means cleanliness or purity. A certain hygiene is required [...]
Corporate Suffering and How to Release It

Corporate Suffering and How to Release It

Work and the Ego  Ego attachment at work is integrated into our lives.  We have 'careers', positions, and titles.  We do our best to 'move up the ladder.  Most of us have resumes and online profiles that talk about our experiences and accomplishments. It's a part of life that we have to identify as someone. [...]
Yoga for Releasing Hamstrings and Legs

Yoga for Releasing Hamstrings and Legs

Lower Body Yoga This is the perfect sequence to gain open, flexible, strong legs. The class focuses especially on hamstrings. As they are such large muscles and responsible for so many actions throughout our day, we need to give them lots of love. By stretching your hamstrings and legs you can aid in the release [...]