
Mind Mastery, the practice of awareness, practice of being in the present and recognizing when happiest, old patters and conditioning take over. Tips and practices to master your mind influenced by Zen and Buddhist practices.

Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Yoga Philosophy Part XI: Enlightenment

Enlightenment - Freedom from the cycle     “If you think you are enlightened, go and spend a week with your family.”  Ram Dass     Prayer for enlightenment Asatoma satgamaya Tamasoma jyothirgamaya Mrithyorma amritamgamaya Om shanti, shanti, shanti Lead us from ignorance to truth, From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let [...]
Yoga Philosophy Part III: Reincarnation vs. Rebirth

Yoga Philosophy Part III: Reincarnation vs. Rebirth

Reincarnation or Rebirth? "I don't really understand that process called reincarnation but if there is such a thing I'd like to come back as my daughter's dog." Leonard Cohen   People often confuse the terms reincarnation and rebirth. It depends on the school and philosophy, whether we are talking from the Buddhist or Hindu perspective. The main [...]
Are We Really Connected to Everything?

Are We Really Connected to Everything?

Understanding the Self There are times when we ask ourselves: "WHO AM I?". This is a very relevant question from a Buddhist perspective. Are we connected to each other and everything around us, if so, how?     Understanding Self in Buddhism                           [...]