
Less Pain, More Happiness

Less Pain, More Happiness

Find Happiness Life will always have its moments of pain, but it doesn't mean you have to suffer from it. The attitude of the mind towards the pain will determine whether the pain goes away quickly or becomes a lasting suffering. Learning to control the attitude of the mind will save you from adding more [...]
How to Find Balance in Your Life and Yoga Practice

How to Find Balance in Your Life and Yoga Practice

Find Balance Through Yoga In this video Doron tells how you can use your yoga practice to find balance between the feminine and masculine sides - yin and yang. The terms Yin and Yang come from Chinese philosophy, where they symbolize two different energies existing. Yang energy is dry, active, hot, focused and fast. Yin [...]
Ayurveda – East meets West

Ayurveda – East meets West

Eastern Traditions in the Western World Ayurveda, the science of life, is a powerful tool to understand your body and mind. We can learn about our body type (Prakriti), and understand how to balance our elements (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Through that we are able to find a state of harmony and bliss. At Doron Yoga [...]
Clouds and Your Mind – Meditation

Clouds and Your Mind – Meditation

Seeing Thoughts as Clouds in Your Mind Doron discusses meditation techniques, and how to deal with thought interruption. Doron explains how our mind can be seen as clouds on the sky. As we meditate, allow the clouds to float away. Don't force or push, but rather observe your mind working and only then let go [...]
A Flexitarian in Vegas

A Flexitarian in Vegas

A Flexitarian in Las Vegas Have you ever wondered, how to stay healthy and balanced in places like Las Vegas? Doron traveled there to see the show "La Reve" and was inspired to share some words about a healthy experience. Being a flexitarian yogi doesn't mean one has to isolate herself from the society. A [...]
Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

The Yamas of Ashtanga Yoga in Modern Day Life What are the Yamas? They are a term that appears in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras in Ashtanga Yoga. In ashtanga, meaning eight limbs, Yamas are the first limb meaning right living. In other words they are ethical guidelines for good living. The five Yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, [...]
Yoga As Grace Path to Self Realization

Yoga As Grace Path to Self Realization

Practice Grace to Be in the Flow Practicing yoga as grace is a path to help us become more aware, to discover bliss at all times and realize. Realize who we really are. Embracing ourselves now, for who we are with no expectations of achievement, we can practice a graceful and joyful yoga. A union [...]
What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga History and Explanation of the Yoga System History In the West the name Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga became synonymous with Pattabhi Jois’ (1915-2009) system of yoga. His system is mostly known for its physical practice of asana (poses).  Though the name, Ashtanga translates as eight limbs; these eight limbs are explained in Patanjali’s […]