How to Let Go of Thoughts in Meditation

How to Let Go of Thoughts in Meditation

How to Let Go of Thoughts in Meditation

Meditation is very simple, yet no so easy. Meditation will be much smoother and enjoyable if we understand the process or meditation. Therefore, an important part of this process is to understand how to let go of thoughts. Because the mind tends to be on auto pilot, and keeps producing thoughts, we need to know how to deal with it. How to meditate and let go of thoughts? What is actually happening when we meditate? Is it about pushing the thoughts away? What shall you do with thoughts that come by? Furthermore, should you label them or let them go? 

In this video, Doron explains what does letting go means, and how to practice it in a practical way. Please share with us your meditation experience. What do you do when thoughts arrive? Do you have any tips of how to let them go?


How to Meditate and Let Go



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Doron’s Book, The Yoga Lifestyle offers lots of mind training practices, including all the little tips of how to set up a space, different meditation techniques including Zen, object meditation, walking meditation and of course –  a detailed explanation of how to practice them. For more meditation tips and tricks, try the Doron Yoga Manual, a practical guide to understanding yoga. 

Some Toughts (4)

  1. Gil Hanoch
    added on 16 Oct, 2016

    I loved your explanation of meditation. The idea of letting go of thoughts, and continuing to focus on the breath or a candle can be applied to life in general. When I am doing anything in life, different thoughts can interfere. If I let them go and focus my mind on the task at hand, I end up doing it more successfully and efficiently, and enjoy it a lot more. Your explanation reminded me of this application to life in general. Thank you!

  2. added on 24 Oct, 2016

    Yes, Gil. Bringing it into daily life is important and very useful. Only when we begin to practice mindfulness 24/7, does it really start to stick and have positive impact on our life.

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