
Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

Practicing Yamas 9 to 5

The Yamas of Ashtanga Yoga in Modern Day Life What are the Yamas? They are a term that appears in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras in Ashtanga Yoga. In ashtanga, meaning eight limbs, Yamas are the first limb meaning right living. In other words they are ethical guidelines for good living. The five Yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, [...]
Being Ethical

Being Ethical

Ethics in Practice After a nice dinner of falafel with tahini, and a huge salad the conversation drifted to economy and the stock market. I shifted to reading my book about Mao. When I hear discussions about corporations, the stock market or global economies, I seem to get personally offended as the protector of the […]