
Schuk – The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment Recipe

Schuk – The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment Recipe

The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment  Schuk, or zchug, normally known as a spicy condiment is here converted to be the healthiest Mediterranean condiment . It is one of my favorite foods from home, very common in Israel, brought over by the people of Yemen. It is known as the “hot stuff”, and is far too spicy [...]
Best Snacks for You After Yoga Practice

Best Snacks for You After Yoga Practice

Healthy Snacks for Yoga You walk out after a yoga class feeling that “after glow.” Here are some ideas for snacks to retain that feeling and be ready for your next practice. Hydrate with fresh water. Drink juice or a smoothie made of kale, bok choy, parsley, celery mixed with some apple juice, red grapes [...]
Good Ways to Get Calcium in Your Diet

Good Ways to Get Calcium in Your Diet

Good ways to get calcium in your diet  Yellow cows were all over the streets in India this week. Harvest festival, sometimes known as cow festival fills the hearts of people with lots of respect and admiration to the holy cow. Mostly because it produces the very revered milk. I drank lots of Badam milk, […]

Quinoa – Super Food Of The Incas

Quinoa – Super Food Of The Incas

The Ancient Super Grain Here is to one of my favorite foods that just so happens to be good looking, great tasting, flexible as well as healthy, works amazing in every day cooking as well as fancy meals. Sometimes known as “the mother grain”, or “gold of the Aztecs”. Quinoa has been a staple food [...]
Sesame – The Healthy Versatile Seed

Sesame – The Healthy Versatile Seed

Open Sesame! The sesame plant is one of the oldest plants known. Primarily, it is cultivated for seeds and oil. It is especially valued in Mediterranean, African, and Eastern cultures. Sesame seeds can be found in many varieties, most commonly; white, tan or black. Due to the lack of processing, use the whole tan color [...]

Mustard Greens

The Leaves That Pack A Punch Wonderful raw or cooked, these curly dark leafy greens are delicious, watery and have a bit of spice. Mustard greens have excellent amounts of calcium, magnesium, and folic acid and contain many antioxidants. They are great for the skin, help prevent cancer, and are the perfect side dish, or [...]
Orange – Citrus Delight

Orange – Citrus Delight

The Fragrant Fruit Oranges: A nice size, juicy, pretty color and fragrant. With just the right amount of sweet and tart, orange is the fruit of the season. Oranges originate from South East Asia, but are now available in many warmer climates. The United States are now the largest producer of oranges in the world. [...]
Superfood Oatmeal

Superfood Oatmeal

Breakfast of Champions Warm and grounding, this simple yet effective Superfood Oatmeal recipe is sure to become one of your new breakfast favorites. Perfect for those in a hurry but unwilling to compromise on health. Yield: 4 portions / Prep Time: 10 minutes + overnight to soak / Cooking Time: 10 minutes   Ingredients 5 [...]
Doron’s Granola Recipe (Granola de Doron)

Doron’s Granola Recipe (Granola de Doron)

Granola de Doron This granola recipe is simple to make, full of delicious and healthy ingredients. As a result it is a perfect start to the day. It's also great as a snack anytime combined with milk, yogurt, ice cream, or even a smoothie. Due to it's lack of moisture, it can be stored for [...]
Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Your body as a temple Seems like most people I know suffer from some sort of injury one time or another. Here are a few tips, from Yoga practice to supplements and food. Before I begin my practice I bring my awareness to my body. Feeling where it is today, awake, stiff, sore or energetic. [...]