Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Your body as a temple

Seems like most people I know suffer from some sort of injury one time or another. Here are a few tips, from Yoga practice to supplements and food.

Before I begin my practice I bring my awareness to my body. Feeling where it is today, awake, stiff, sore or energetic. Then I take a moment to feel gratitude towards it. I am here, alive, breathing in this body. As I connect with my breath I add a smile, and feel softness. ahhhh 🙂 I am feeling sore, to practice or not to practice?

Yes, keep practicing, but first let’s distinguish between pain and discomfort or being sore. Pain is not good, and one should stop as soon as pain is there. Discomfort, however, is a sign to yield, to take notice, and to breathe into the place of discomfort. This allows the body to open. Soreness should be treated like discomfort. There is no need to stop practicing—just practice with extra awareness, take it slowly and gently, and modify where needed. When sore, practice to the place of discomfort and not beyond. Practicing 80% of my normal is where I usually like to go.

Remember: Practice is good, but know your edge – there is no benefit in pushing too hard. Treating your body with respect and honoring the signs it gives you is crucial. If we learn to listen to the body, and understand that every day, every moment is different, then we can practice in a sustainable manner. If yesterday, or 10 years ago, there were things that were very easy for me, it does not mean that they are easy today, and I do not expect to perform the same way everyday. Every moment is like a new beginning, and I trust what my body tells me at that particular moment.


If you’re feeling sore today try some of our more gentle classes:

50 Minutes for Strong and Open Shoulders

30 Minute Wrist Free Class


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