More Than Just an Exercise: Yoga for Total Wellbeing

More Than Just an Exercise: Yoga for Total Wellbeing

Traditional Yoga is More Than Just an Exercise

In busy lifestyles driven by working hard and looking good, following the latest trends in exercise and fitness to get the best body in the shortest time is commonplace. Splashed across social media and in magazines or blogs, it’s all about toning up, slimming down, and getting the perfect abs or the ultimate bikini body. There are nearly 250 million uses of #fitness on Instagram. Yoga is one such practice which has been absorbed into this melting pot. However, viewing yoga as only an exercise method risks losing some of the traditional key benefits.


Breathing, meditation, and relaxing

While exercise is very important to living a healthy and balanced life, it’s good to remember that it doesn’t have to be high impact and high intensity all the time. Taking a holistic approach to your diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxation will build towards long-term wellbeing and health. Traditional yoga teachings emphasize breathing and meditation as being just as important as the physical poses and stretches. Setting a goal based purely on physical aspirations focuses on current dissatisfactions with the body, and risks harming the mind and spirit in doing so. The three aspects should work together to support and benefit from the practice of yoga.


Fueling your body and mind

Likewise, making conscious healthy decisions about your diet is important to overall health. Crash dieting and severely restricting certain foods can set you up for misery and frustration. Riding sugar highs and caffeine lows can leave you feeling sluggish and irritable. Instead, create nourishing healthy meals packed with nutrients to help you stay satisfied, alert, and full of energy. Make sure to drink plenty of water too, as staying hydrated helps your body to function properly. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself occasionally though, as a slice of cake with friends or a glass of wine with a loved one is good for the spirit. You won’t do yourself any favors beating yourself up about it.

SUP Yoga headstands Lake Atitlan


Resting and recovering

Sleep is another important component of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If you feel like you’re always pushed for time trying to fit in workouts after a day at the office, skipping sleep might seem like a good way to squeeze things in. However, this can quickly lead to exhaustion and burnout, as sleep is essential for recovery and repair processes. Busy lives and technology can also make it difficult to ‘switch off’ and get enough sleep, which the meditative part of yoga can really help with.

A good rule of thumb is ‘everything in moderation’. Workouts don’t always have to be intense to be beneficial –  the deep breathing, relaxing poses, and meditation found in a traditional yoga session can provide equally valuable benefits for mental and physical health.


by Sally Writes


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To feel great in all of these areas, come and visit the Doron Yoga & Zen Center in Guatemala.

Read more about the yoga lifestyle in Doron’s book, or check out the Doron Yoga Manual for more holistic living advice.

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