
Phyllo Triangles with Minty Kale

Phyllo Triangles with Minty Kale

Pastry Parcels of Pleasure A healthy vegetarian, (or even vegan), Mediterranean dish inspired by the Burekas I grew up eating thanks to my mom Sara. The filling can be changed, but here we chose fresh, healing and grounding ingredients; including our all time health master Mr Kale. Phyllo triangles taste amazing with tahini or hummus [...]
Schuk – The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment Recipe

Schuk – The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment Recipe

The Healthiest Mediterranean Condiment  Schuk, or zchug, normally known as a spicy condiment is here converted to be the healthiest Mediterranean condiment . It is one of my favorite foods from home, very common in Israel, brought over by the people of Yemen. It is known as the “hot stuff”, and is far too spicy [...]

Mustard Greens

The Leaves That Pack A Punch Wonderful raw or cooked, these curly dark leafy greens are delicious, watery and have a bit of spice. Mustard greens have excellent amounts of calcium, magnesium, and folic acid and contain many antioxidants. They are great for the skin, help prevent cancer, and are the perfect side dish, or [...]
Enlightened Kale

Enlightened Kale

Shine Bright This enlightened kale may be the brightest food on your plate. It's a powerhouse of nutrients and minerals that will make you shine brightly for the whole day. The whole family of dark, leafy greens should ideally be part of your meals at least once a day as they are an ingredient that [...]