
Yoga for Grounding and Inner Strength

Yoga for Grounding and Inner Strength

Rooting and Reaching In this post we're giving you a 75 minute yoga for grounding and inner strength video. The class if also great for reconnection, balance and focus. The class features powerful, steady movements with many options available to suit all levels. Moving slowly and mindfully tends to reduce anxiety or stress and promotes [...]

Mustard Greens

The Leaves That Pack A Punch Wonderful raw or cooked, these curly dark leafy greens are delicious, watery and have a bit of spice. Mustard greens have excellent amounts of calcium, magnesium, and folic acid and contain many antioxidants. They are great for the skin, help prevent cancer, and are the perfect side dish, or [...]
Cilantro Lemon Rice

Cilantro Lemon Rice

Vibrant Healing We always find it important to have a grain in the house and this cilantro lemon rice can instantly be added to your favorite meals. This delicious rice dish goes well with baked tempeh, steamed vegetables and green salad. The brown rice is an extremely grounding and wholesome complete grain. The fresh herbs [...]


Mom's Mujadara Mujadara is a Middle Eastern dish that my mom made often when I was growing up and still does to this day. It is a complete protein and grain dish. Although it is very simple to make, the flavors are subtle and interesting. As the rice cooks together with the lentils, they share [...]
Baked Beans

Baked Beans

Your New Breakfast Staple  Hearty, wholesome and filling, these beans are a powerful start to your day because of their protein content. As a result, they will keep you going throughout your whole morning. Furthermore, they reduce the need for morning snacking. The flavor combination is a classic one for a reason. Firstly, the satisfyingly [...]