
Chakras and Ashtanga – is there a synergy?

Chakras and Ashtanga – is there a synergy?

How to Use the Chakras Together with the Eight Limbs of Yoga to Enhance Your Practice and Joyful Spirit? If you've been around the yoga community for some time you probably heard about the chakras. You may have also heard of ashtanga - or the eight limbs of yoga by Patanjali. Both are powerful systems [...]
Less Pain, More Happiness

Less Pain, More Happiness

Find Happiness Life will always have its moments of pain, but it doesn't mean you have to suffer from it. The attitude of the mind towards the pain will determine whether the pain goes away quickly or becomes a lasting suffering. Learning to control the attitude of the mind will save you from adding more [...]
Being Ethical

Being Ethical

Ethics in Practice After a nice dinner of falafel with tahini, and a huge salad the conversation drifted to economy and the stock market. I shifted to reading my book about Mao. When I hear discussions about corporations, the stock market or global economies, I seem to get personally offended as the protector of the […]

Karma Don’t Worry About it

Karma Don’t Worry About it

What is Karma? Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, or deed. It is used to describe the seed of the cycle of cause and effect. It originates in ancient India and is seen in Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist philosophies. In these systems the effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping [...]