The power of the mind and how to use it correctly

The power of the mind and how to use it correctly

The Power of the Mind

Our mind understands reality according to our conditioning mostly. This is especially true with reading. We learn to read slowly at a young age, and then we can read without stopping to think about every single letter. This is the power of the mind, in its conditioned form, and we are lucky that we can condition it to “know” certain things immediately.The power of the mind

In yoga, the term vikalpa (illusion, imagination), can also be explained as verbal delusion.This means that words are a tool to describe a thing or idea, but are not the idea or thing, rather just a reference to them. It is like the finger pointing at the moon. The finger is not the moon. It is also like the map describing the territory – the map is only a guide, not the land itself.

Most of us have an immediate image when someone says horse. Maybe you see a white horse running, maybe a brown horse you actually knew as a kid. Maybe you see the horse you own, or the horse that was in a show and left an impression. Some of us may see an image of a horse we saw in print or in a movie, which is still only a reference.

The Use of Conditioning

We use the conditioning of reading, or riding a bicycle, or driving to do things quickly and efficiently. For example you maybe driving your car on conditioned mode, and day dreaming, or using your phone, and not notice that there was a stop sign, red light or pedestrian on the way. What happened? Well,the power of the mind allowed you to do other things while it was controlling actions from a conditioned place. Even while using our conditioned mode, we must stay present and aware of our action. This awareness allows us to be in awe of our abilities, and live life as if it were constant little miracles happening one after the other – because it is. 

When meeting a person, and hearing what they do, you may automatically project from your conditioned mind of others you know in the field, and place them in the same box. It is important to give everyone and every situation the benefit of the doubt. Enjoy the power of  the mind and the benefits of quick actions thanks to previous conditioning, but also be careful to stay present and open to be reconditioned whenever appropriate. It is easy to get stuck on our ideas, agendas or believes, because they are deeply rooted within, but awareness is a must in order to be appropriate for every situation.

Can yuo raed tnis?

Words are powerful, but it is our mind that gives words the power. The power of the mind is so great, that even if we play with the letters in the words, our mind can still figure out what the intended word was. Can yuo raed tnis? This is due to our conditioning. We have seen words often and can now make out the words even if part of it is misspelled or in the example below, letters have been changed to numbers.

Below you will find a text to practice this. It is an important yoga lesson for our lives. When we understand that we tend to change and see things the way we are used to, or conditioned to, we can take heed and observe our reactions. Are they automatic like the way we read words that do not even look like the original words? Is our mind so powerful that we project from past experiences and forget to be present and see the situation as is? Understanding the power of our mind helps us use it correctly.

The Power of the Mind

Try to read the message below, and notice that it does get easier as you keep going. This is because we are creating a new conditioning. How quickly do we recondition! Enjoy!


If you can read this,
you have a strong mind 
F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng

7H15 M3554G3

53RV35 7O PR0V3


D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!

1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!

1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG

17 WA5 H4RD BU7

N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3


R34D1NG 17


W17H 0U7 3V3N

7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,


C3R741N P30PL3 C4N

R3AD 7H15.


Share the Power

Leave us a comment with your experiences of mental conditioning. Share this article with someone who is becoming aware of their habits and patterns, help them train their mind even more!

To learn more about conditioning of the mind and how to free yourself from it, visit us for a retreat or yoga teacher training at Doron Yoga & Zen Center.

Read more about mental habits and yogic philosphy in the Doron Yoga Manual, a detailed and organised guide to everything yoga!


Blissful Living,


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