How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body – Create a Sustainable Practice

How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body – Create a Sustainable Practice

How Yoga can Wreck your Body

In 2012 an article in the New York Times entitled “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body”, appeared, and it serves as a nice reminder of how we should be practicing our yoga. The article reminds us that Yoga may lead to injury, and that we need to practice mindfully and with awareness, listening to our bodies and not pushing beyond our limits.

I see it as a reminder of what Yoga is truly about. Some students (and teachers) today have taken yoga into the land of the Ego. They constantly push to get to the next step, next pose, at times moving far too fast. Getting into poses quickly, not having time to breathe through the practice or time for the teacher to observe and assist when needed.

The article demonstrates some extreme cases (which I have never encountered). It also takes the conclusions to fit all types of yoga taught today however we can find the teachings in it.


Here are some things to consider

    • Are you in the right class? Do you feel good during and after class?
    • Practice in a supportive environment that allows to back off, and be OK with it.
    • Practice with a teacher you trust and that knows safe and healthy alignment.
    • If at any point you feel sharp pain, come out of the pose and ask for assistance.
    • Never hesitate to ask the teacher if something feels wrong.
    • Start with beginner’s classes to learn the basics.
    • Take workshops to deepen your understanding.
    • Know that we all have different bodies, and accept that you will never be someone else.
    • Take private classes from an experienced teacher to help you learn your specific needs, and provide you with personal modifications, that you can then take to class with you.
    • It is always a challenge in class for the teacher to observe everyone, and though a good teacher is very observant, there may not be enough time in a class to help each student individually. That is why some private sessions, to get you familiar with the basics, are very important. Like in any physical practice, if one pushes too much and without proper guidance, it is possible to get injured. In fact, most people injure themselves just by sitting in front of computers! But the cost of not practicing is much higher.


Don’t forget

To conclude, while the article makes good points, I believe that with a good yoga teacher, practicing with awareness and listening to your body carefully, yoga is extremely beneficial. It can transform almost any body into an improved one. Although the wrong practice of yoga can wreck your body, I know countless students that have benefited from yoga. Some have healed long time injuries and are much healthier with their yoga practice. This is compared with far fewer that have suffered minor injuries. It sure has proven to be miraculous for me.


Find more advice on how to develop a strong and healthy practice in the Doron Yoga Manual, a complete guide to everything you need to know about yoga.


Blissful Living,


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