Yoga Health Advantages for Seniors and their Caregivers

Yoga Health Advantages for Seniors and their Caregivers

Yoga Health Advantages for Seniors and their Caregivers

Firstly, changes that come with aging are challenging. Secondly, the people helping seniors can carry a significant burden. Both the elderly and their caregivers can feel the benefits of yoga in many ways.  Through yoga and meditation, navigating the journey that accompanies aging can be easier. Also, they can improve their physical and mental well-being.


Self-Care for Seniors and Caregivers

Those participating in regular yoga and meditation can slow the aging process at a cellular level. Seniors experience substantial benefits from participating in a regular yoga and meditation program.  As Livestrong explains, yoga can alleviate much of the chronic joint and muscle pain some older adults experience.  Yoga improves flexibility, reduces blood pressure and improves sleep patterns.  Some studies show seniors who participate in a yoga regimen also reduce their risk for falls. This is due to improved physical function including better mobility and reduced stiffness.

The benefits of yoga to those in a caregiving role are “striking,” as described by the experts cited by Psych Central. Caregivers can be under a tremendous burden. As a result, this can potentially lead to struggles with depression, exhaustion, stress and isolation.  However, with daily yoga, caregivers can experience reduced symptoms of depression and improve their cognitive performance.


Starting Your Yoga Practice

You may be intimidated by the idea of performing yoga poses. You may think you need to be able to shape your body into various versions of pretzels. However, you can ease into it comfortably.  Yoga is something nearly anyone can do.  If you are new to yoga, you may want to begin with chair yoga.  Many traditional yoga poses can be modified for chair yoga. It’s a great way to jump in from the comforts of home.  You just need a sturdy chair that positions you upright and with your feet flat on the floor.

Many people wonder what the best time of day is to do yoga.  Some experts recommend practicing yoga either first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.  A morning routine gives you perspective for facing the challenges of the day. An evening routine allows you to relax following your daily events.  The regularity of your yoga program is more important than the time of day.  Schedule your routine and stick with it.  By making it a priority you can ensure you reap the many benefits yoga offers.

If you aren’t used to exercising or have a medical concern, you may wish to begin under an instructor. This is to ensure you are doing poses properly.  Another suggestion is to incorporate technology into your home exercise routine.  You can follow along with YouTube videos.


Getting started in meditation

Meditation may also feel like foreign territory, but you can become acclimated very quickly.  One professional describes meditation as simply learning to follow your breath.  As Medical News Today explains, there are many forms of meditation.  Some forms focus on promoting feelings of love and compassion. Other types on body awareness and being in the moment. You should explore what works for you. Just know there is no one proper way to meditate.  One of the advantages of practicing meditation is you can do it anywhere and anytime.


Good health for you both

Both seniors and their caregivers can benefit from participating in yoga and meditation.  Find a comfortable way to ease into it and stick with your schedule.  You will both feel better in no time.



Share the Benefits

If you know a senior citizen or caregiver in your life, share this article! Hopefully they will find it helpful. Leave us a comment below with your experiences of practicing as a senior citizen or caregiver.


Blissful Living,


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