
Yoga As Grace Path to Self Realization

Yoga As Grace Path to Self Realization

Practice Grace to Be in the Flow Practicing yoga as grace is a path to help us become more aware, to discover bliss at all times and realize. Realize who we really are. Embracing ourselves now, for who we are with no expectations of achievement, we can practice a graceful and joyful yoga. A union [...]
What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga History and Explanation of the Yoga System History In the West the name Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga became synonymous with Pattabhi Jois’ (1915-2009) system of yoga. His system is mostly known for its physical practice of asana (poses).  Though the name, Ashtanga translates as eight limbs; these eight limbs are explained in Patanjali’s […]

Best Snacks for You After Yoga Practice

Best Snacks for You After Yoga Practice

Healthy Snacks for Yoga You walk out after a yoga class feeling that “after glow.” Here are some ideas for snacks to retain that feeling and be ready for your next practice. Hydrate with fresh water. Drink juice or a smoothie made of kale, bok choy, parsley, celery mixed with some apple juice, red grapes [...]
Yoga 24/7

Yoga 24/7

Yoga 24/7 I remember when a friend told me “You keep slumping in the car when you drive, then you go to yoga to fix it. Stop slumping throughout your day and with yoga you will move a great deal further”. I was in constant negligence of the body throughout the day. The next yoga [...]
Welcome to Doron Yoga

Welcome to Doron Yoga

Welcome to Doron Yoga - The practical Way to Blissful Living Doron yoga offers practical tools for happy, healthy blissful living. Non dogmatic, real wisdom that works. Doron Yoga is based on tradition with the wisdom of modern research. Doron explored the world of healthy living, yoga, and meditation traditions for over 20 years. As [...]
Finding Your Edge

Finding Your Edge

What is the edge? The concept of "edge" is often used in western thought and conversation.  Innovative companies are often described to be on the 'cutting edge' of technology.  People describe anything that brings them relief as 'taking off the edge'. An 'edgy' person is someone who is defensive, or close to becoming angry.   [...]
Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

Ashtanga Yoga – Eight Limbs to Union

The Eight Limbs of Yoga The great sage Patanjali wrote four chapters on how to find true freedom by freeing the mind. A core of his teachings is presented in the eight limbs. A brief summary is presented here.   Yamas These are restraints, or social and universal moralities which serve as a basis for [...]
Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Being Sore and Pain – To Practice or Not

Your body as a temple Seems like most people I know suffer from some sort of injury one time or another. Here are a few tips, from Yoga practice to supplements and food. Before I begin my practice I bring my awareness to my body. Feeling where it is today, awake, stiff, sore or energetic. [...]