
Easy Vinyasa Flow Video – For Beginners

Easy Vinyasa Flow Video – For Beginners

Easy Vinyasa Flow practice This is an easy Vinyasa Flow class video that is great for everyone. Since it only takes thirty six minutes to do including savasana, you have no excuses. Therefore, do this daily!  This vinyasa flow is a balanced sequence great for all levels including beginners. Doron gives clear demonstration and explanations while you [...]
The Graceful Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial

The Graceful Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial

Vinyasa Transitions Tutorial Vinyasa is placing the breath with the movement in a certain way. This tutorial will show you how to do good vinyasa transitions from chatturanga dandasana to upward facing dog, and from there to downward facing dog. Therefore, learning a good flowing system allows you to move more graceful in line with your breath. [...]
Ashtanga Third Series in the Rain Video

Ashtanga Third Series in the Rain Video

Monsoon Ashtanga Third Series   "Practice and all is coming" Pattabhi Jois, the father of contemporary ashtanga used to say. When traveling, it is not as easy to keep the practice alive. Maybe there is no local studio, or the room is small. How keep the practice alive? Doron tells about one of his practices while [...]
Video and Tips on How to Step into a Lunge

Video and Tips on How to Step into a Lunge

Stepping into a Lunge During a yoga class we are often asked "to step into a lunge". That means bringing the foot forward into 90 degrees from down dog. For many this is a great challenge. The truth is that flexibility helps, especially in the hips, but there are some basic tricks that can make [...]
Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up

Doron Yoga Vinyasa Warmup The Doron Yoga vinyasa warm up is a great warm up for any yoga practice, or even just a simple practice for when you don't have time to do a full practice. It warms up the core, the hips, the thighs, stretches the spine, and gently creates heat and focus. This [...]
How to do Salabhasana, the Locust Pose for a Healthy Back

How to do Salabhasana, the Locust Pose for a Healthy Back

Salabhasana - Locust Pose Salabhasana is a yoga pose (asana) that both strengthens and improves the flexibility of the back. It is an important warm up for all other backbends, and appropriate for all levels. Salabhasana is practiced on the belly with variations of the legs and arms actions. Salabhasana, or locust, is part of [...]
Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment

Prayer for Enlightenment // OM ASATOMA SATGAMAYA TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA MRITHYORMA AMRITAMGAMAYA OM SHANTI,, SHANTI, SHANTI Lead us from ignorance to truth From darkness to light And from death to eternity Let peace prevail everywhere   Find more information on chants here, and for more reading on yogic techniques check out the Doron Yoga Manual.
Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant

Ashtanga Closing Chant This is the classic way to end the ashtanga practice as taught by Pattabhi Jois of Mysore India. After the practice is done, and before savasana, chants this astanga closing chant quietly to yourself this chant, or even out loud. Practice chanting the ashtanga closing chant over and over here with this [...]
Ashtanga Invocation Chant

Ashtanga Invocation Chant

Ashtanga Invocation Chant Here's an audio recording with Sanskrit and English transcriptions of the Ashtanga Invocation Chant, used to open an Ashtanga class.   // OM VANDE GURUNAM CARANARAVINDE SANDARSITA SVATMA SUKHAVA BODHE NIH SREYASE JANGALIKAYAMANE SAMSARA HALAHALA MOHASANTYAI ABAHU PURUSAKARAM SANKHACAKRASI DHARINAM SAHASRA SIRASAM SVETAM PRANAMAMI PATANJALIM OM Roughly translated into English as: I bow [...]