What is Candida?

What is Candida?

What is Candida?

Candida is a type of fungus or microorganism (parasite) that is not beneficial to our bodies, unfriendly bacteria. We all have it everywhere in our bodies. However, the problem begins when it is in excess. Its base home is in the digestive tract, mostly in the bowels.

Some of the physical forms Candida might show up as are: Dandruff, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, vaginal discharge, athletes foot, heavily coated tongue (thrush).

As well as this, secondary symptoms include: allergies, chronic fatigue, low energy, gas, bloating, painful periods, cravings for sweets, bread and alcohol, recurrent Herpes infection, Hypoglycemia, acne, recurring colds and infections and poor digestion.


Susceptible people:

Taken antibiotics, type A people, low self esteem, stress, worry, broad-spectrum drugs, birth control pills, nutrient deficient diet, exposure to mold.


What can I do?

    1. Cleanse (colon cleanse, colonics)
    2. Exercise and do your yoga. Firstly, yoga helps keep overall health and secondly, it supports digestive health
    3. Meditation – keep yourself calm and clear minded, as a result this may help in the body being able to heal itself
    4. Breath work – 1:2 breathing. Lie down in a relaxed position and count your inhales and exhales. Then try to lengthen your exhales to become double the length of your inhales, or at least longer and smoother. This helps the body go into the parasympathetic system, where there is more room for healing.


Healing Foods

    • Juice of 1 lemon in water on an empty stomach
    • Garlic. Mince without losing juice. Place on the back of the tongue after eating half the meal, take water, and then finish your meal. Also add lots of garlic to food.
    • Ginger in food and tea
    • Cayenne pepper, Scallions, onion
    • Coconut oil
    • Sea vegetables
    • Burdock root, Jerusalem artichoke
    • White grapefruit
    • Nuts and seeds



    • Oil of oregano: anti fungal, viral, inflammatory and anti parasitic (2-3 drops under tongue or diluted with lots of water)
    • Vitamin C, 2-3 grams daily
    • CoQ10: optimizes oxygen in the body
    • Grapefruit seed extract: 10 drops in water or juice
    • Goldenseal
    • Spirulina, Blue Green algae, Chlorella (in green smoothies)
    • Lactobacillus Acidophilus 
    • Wheat grass 
    • Flax and hemp seed: omega 3
    • Cloves, clove oil
    • Digestive Enzymes



    • Sugar. Especially refined. But also honey, maple syrup, and all other sweeteners except Stevia
    • Processed foods
    • Sweet fruit (banana, oranges) and most other fruit
    • Fruit juice
    • Bread with yeast, leftovers, commercial toothpaste 
    • Alcohol and Smoking (contain mycotoxins) Mycotoxins may cause confusion, irritability, headaches, mood swings and burning sensation
    • Peanuts, Pistachios, and raw cashews 
    • All allergy foods
    • Mushrooms
    • Limit intake of fermented foods
    • Dairy product (eggs, butter, goats milk are acceptable if not allergic)


Testing for Candida

  1. Scratch test, bowel test, blood test
  2. Best test: live blood cell microscopy (holistic approach)


Find loads of healthy, delicious and healing recipes in the Doron Yoga Cookbook, guaranteed to help bring you back to joyful balance.


Blissful Living,


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