Tips for a good night sleep

Tips for a good night sleep

Sleep Well

A good night sleep is the secret to a happy productive next day. It is the time our body takes to restore and rejuvenate. Our night depends on the day we had, and the next day depends on how well our previous night’s sleep was. The following are a few tips to reduce sleepless nights and prevent insomnia.


Sleep Tips

    • Go to sleep when you feel sleepy.
    • If you do not fall asleep within 30 min, get up, do something that will induce sleep and then return to bed.
    • Create a routine: Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
    • Go to bed before 10:30 p.m. According to Ayurveda after 10pm we begin a new cycle of energy. This is an energetic cycle, where we sometimes feel that we get a second wind.
    • Exercising is healthy, and useful for a good night sleep, but timing is key. Finish your exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime. Mornings and early afternoons are best.
    • Make your bedroom a sanctuary. Keep it clean and inviting. Soft light, quiet and relaxing.
    • Use your bed for sleeping only. Read, work, watch TV and fold laundry elsewhere. This way your body will recognize that being in bed means sleep. Sex is the only exception.
    • Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol 5 hours before bedtime.
    • Charge your phone in a separate room- do not bring it to the bedroom at night
    • Drink during the day, so you do need to drink much at night, and do not need to get up for the toilet in your sleep time.
    • Take a hot bath an hour before bed. The drop in body temperature is what makes you feel sleepy.
    • Develop bedtime routines. Listen to quiet music, sit silently, read something calming, or massage your body with oil.
    •  Eat dinner at least 2-3 hours before bed. If you are hungry later, have a light snack, unsweetened cereal with a bit of milk, or a bit of warm milk with a touch of honey.
    • Do not turn on lights during the night, even if you have to go to the bathroom. Light exposure during the night impairs melatonin production..
    • Reduce your stress levels if possible
    • See the sun as soon as it’s up, to set your biological clock. Sleep well and wake up smiling.


Share the Sleep

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Advice like this and more can be found in Doron’s book The Yoga Lifestyle. Doron seeks to offer practical tips that work. You can improve your life without running away to the Himalayas and becoming a monk. Wishing you all sweet dreams!


Blissful living,


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